Welcome to array.finance

2 min readNov 23, 2020

Array is the first ever passive DeFi protocol, aimed at long term, consistent growth. Array is token and protocol agnostic, which allows it to constantly be modified to grab safe yield, diversifying your DeFi. One click enters an Array portfolio, exposing you to dozens of yield farms and assets, which rebalance automatically.

Our Roadmap

Currently, we have a 2 phase plan for Array.

  • Phase 0 — Phase 0 launches our internal liquidity pools, Array tokens, and several pre-built portfolio options using algorithmic weighting. This forms the groundwork to build an easily composable and scalable system. It also introduces the Array governance token, the Uniswap pool, and staking opportunities for early adopters.
  • Phase 1 — Phase 1 introduces user-built Arrays. Pick any ERC-20 asset, build your ideal portfolio, and Array can handle the rest, supporting up to 50 assets per Array. Build and share your Arrays while earning performance fees when other users follow your strategies. Fully decentralized and user-governed.

One-click entry for high yields, with less stress.

There is a steep learning curve to enter the DeFi space, and keeping up with projects and yield takes a lot of time. We were sick of having to harvest yield, micromanage our portfolios, and constantly be cognizant of new projects and failed protocols. We built Array to solve this problem. Backed by a public team with stringent security standards, your tokens are in good hands.

Why Array? DeFi Simplified.

Traditional DeFi protocols utilize different strategies in order to maximize the return, usually paid out in their protocol’s token. Taking advantage of a change in APY between protocols takes work, gas fees can get extremely expensive, and there is risk behind each protocol.

Array solves this by being an algorithmic aggregator of reputable projects. Array’s protocol simplifies the optimization of ROI for more passive investment. It’s with this mindset that Array is seeking to provide stability to DeFi.

DeFi doesn’t need to be stressful… Let’s make it simple.

Follow us on social media and join our Discord to interact with the devs, get early information about the $ARRAY token, and be part of a growing community!

Website — array.finance

Reddit — reddit.com/r/arrayfinance/

Medium — medium.com/@arrayfinance

Twitter — twitter.com/arrayfinance

Discord — discord.gg/qYmYbcQ4GQ




array is an automated DeFi index, using algorithmic weighting to maximize yield with minimal risk. Learn more at array.finance