Newsletter #3
2 min readMar 3, 2021

Hello everyone! We’re back with another update newsletter. As usual, being quiet in the Discord means we’re hard at work in the background!

This week, we built a lot of contracts, spent time tweaking some algorithms, and finished our first DAO vote.


50% WBTC and 50% renBTC passed at 84.09%, and all BTC collateral will be managed at this 50/50 ratio at the current time. This ratio opens up liquidity opportunities with protocols like Curve, and a vote for this will be proposed in the coming weeks to generate interest which can later be earned by staking Array tokens. Eventually, Array will have native vaults to hold collateral, which will result in more protocol fees staying in the DAO. This helps pave the way to the token launch, which is scheduled some time in March. We’ll announce a specific date when we feel confident with our security tests.

On the non-development side, we were invited to speak at MetaGame’s MetaFest about building incentivized DAOs using DeFi. We’ll be speaking on March 16th, and if you’d like to reserve your spot, fill out an application here. Beyond Array, there will be talks from Web3 leaders from Yearn, RaidGuild, MetaFactory, DAOHaus, and more!

We’ve also joined the Opolis Coalition as a Genesis member to help bring some of the Web2 stuff to the Web3 world. We’re excited to be a part of a coalition of like-minded projects to help build the future together. Expect some future cross-collaboration!

We’re still hard at work and will share more development news as it comes. From all of us at Array, thank you for being a part of our community as we build a future cornerstone of the Web3 ecosystem.

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array is an automated DeFi index, using algorithmic weighting to maximize yield with minimal risk. Learn more at