Newsletter #2
2 min readFeb 19, 2021
We reached our funding goal!

Since the last update, the core team has been extremely busy. Within a few days of launching our alpha CCO, we reached our 1 million DAI goal! This was incredible and the team is extremely grateful that the DeFi community supports the idea that we’re trying to deploy and develop. On top of this, we’ve seen an incredible amount of growth in our Discord. Now that we’ve reached our goal way ahead of schedule, we can begin working on things that were planned for Q2, and get them rolled out earlier than anticipated!

Currently, we’re processing the DAO proposals. We had almost 100 unique proposals, so give us some time to make sure every one is properly taken care of! Rest assured, if you have submitted a proposal, nothing is needed to be done at this time. This week, we built a contract that will allow you to vote on Snapshot with your Loot Share balance. After all proposals are processed, we will start using Snapshot to propose governance as we finalize the ArrayDAO. If you missed out on the CCO, we’re drafting a potential contract interaction utilizing the bonding curve which will be one of the first DAO votes using Snapshot.

We’re excited to be adding two more Solidity developers to the team. Gismar previously worked for BadgerDAO and Yearn prior to joining Array. Secondly, Carl, from ConsenSys Diligence and KarmaDAO. Gismar is helping us develop gas-optimized vault structures and Carl is using his technical expertise to implement our bonding curve and tokenomics in a secure manner, making sure security comes first.

We know many of you are excited about is the Array token. We’re working on a contract that will exchange the CCO DAO bank into Array tokens, which can then be claimed. We’re currently hard at work on a lot of things, and will share more soon!

Overall, we’re excited to bring a strong team to help create and develop Array. We’ve been working diligently since November and can’t express our gratitude enough to our community. Thanks to you, we have been in talks with some familiar faces to create lasting partnerships in the DeFi space. We are trying our best to be the easiest developers to reach, so if you have any questions or just want to chat, drop a message in Discord!



array is an automated DeFi index, using algorithmic weighting to maximize yield with minimal risk. Learn more at